Then, unzip the file and transfer the files onto a USB flash drive. To update the firmware through USB, click here to download the latest firmware. "Recognise it?need to get tv to recognise usb stick.". While some of the ideas may seem quaint today-goat dairying, manufacturing motor-driven chairs, and renting out billiard tables to local establishments are among the money-making ideas presented- the underlying fundamentals of business explained in these pages remain as solid as they were over seventy years ago."Them where is the official site to download a firmware update of your device.". Written in the immediate, conversational style of Dale Carnegie's How to Win Friends and Influence People, this book is full of inventive ideas on how to make money through excellent salesmanship, hard work, and resourcefulness. Minaker's plucky and practical business advice, Buffett declared that he would be a millionaire by the time he was 35. After pulling a copy of One Thousand Ways off a library shelf at age eleven and devouring F.C. One Thousand Ways to Make $1000 First published in 1936, One Thousand Ways to Make $1000 is the long out-of-print book that Warren Buffett's biographers credit with shaping the legendary investor's business acumen and giving him his trademark appreciation of compound interest. (00:14:35) - Free Download One Thousand Ways to Make $1000 Find Free Ebooks for Kobo. Well Amazon and DHL sorted out a replacement, took a couple of days to arrive from the US Replacement ordered Wednesday afternoon, arrived 9am Friday, which is pretty good going in my books This one arrived safely, although to be honest the box is fairly thin and does not offer much protection for overseas shipping. As the problems with the Seiki 39' have been resolved with a firmware flash making the 1080p 120Htz work well as well as 1440p at 72Hz As stated I am only looking for it as a monitor for editing work, Due to be delivered by DHL tomorrow so will post my thoughts on it when its setup. Well with no sign of the Bush, I ordered the Seiki 39' Version that it seems to be based on from Amazon US, was $399 + Delivery and import Costs, all in was charged £420 (So about £70 cheaper than the Bush Version), including the delivery and Customs fees.

My hope is that this will mean that the 'smaller' 49-50inch 4K models to be launched in the spring by the big manufacturers LG, Sony and Samsung will end up selling for a lot less than is expected. The latest 'Seiki Pro' sets shown at CES appear to be a step up from last year's models and hopefully they'll arrive here in some guise also, and that this will push prices down all round. It obviously won't have HDMI 2.0 or h.265 etc., but it is good to see the 4K Chinese sets finally making it to the UK (albeit rebranded). I think JohnyM is correct and that this set is indeed a rebadged Seiki SE39UY04.